You can’t swallow your tongue during a seizure. It’s physically impossible.
You should NEVER force something into the mouth of someone having a seizure.
DON’T restrain someone having a seizure. Most seizures end in seconds or a few minutes and will end on their own.
Call 911 if the seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes.
Epilepsy is NOT contagious. You simply can’t catch epilepsy from another person.
Anyone can develop epilepsy.
Most people with epilepsy CAN DO the same things that people without epilepsy can do. However, some people with frequent seizures may not be able to work or drive.
People with epilepsy can handle jobs with responsibility and stress. People with seizure disorders are found in all walks of life.
Epilepsy is a chronic medical problem that for many people can be successfully treated. Unfortunately, treatment doesn’t work for everyone. AT LEAST 1 million people in the United States have uncontrolled epilepsy.
Epilepsy is NOT rare and can occur as a single condition or may be seen with other conditions affecting the brain.
You CAN die from epilepsy. The most common cause of death is sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP).
People with epilepsy are usually not physically limited in what they can do.